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InflexionPoint Partners with HighByte

Partnership announcement: inflexion point and HighByte

The volume of OT-level data sources is growing exponentially – data architectures are getting more complicated and point-to-point connectivity can be brutal. With HighByte Intelligence Hub, you can take control of your data operations, by connecting OT-level data sources into a hub that normalizes and provides context to the data. The Intelligence Hub can be on-prem or in the cloud, and with templates and event flows, it can scale for your entire enterprise. HighByte Intelligence Hub connects devices, files, databases, and systems via open standards and native connections. Use the interface to model streaming data in real time, normalize and standardize data points and data models inherent to diverse machinery, and add context to data payloads that otherwise lack descriptions. Tap into real-time and asset model data from a variety of edge data sources, including machine data, transactional data, and time series (historical) data.

We have partnered with HighByte to ensure that our customers’ data integrations are supplying contextualized OT data to the cloud and other IT systems.